Monday, April 27, 2020

Biology Quizzes

Hi folks,

Here are the .pdf's of the quizzes we took in class this year.  Everything from March on is on Canvas.

If you kept your old quizzes you should have all the correct answers for these.  They should be in your notes as well.  However, if you just aren't sure of an answer please feel free to ask.


Jim Mueller
(919) 907-3217

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A note about biology class tomorrow

Hi Everyone,

This is probably unnecessary but we are supposed to have some major winds tonight so it's possible that we may have some power outages.  If we do, I'll send everyone the recording of the Tuesday biology class.  The material is identical so you won't miss anything.

Hopefully (and probably) there won't be an issue but if you don't see an email or a link posted at Canvas tomorrow morning it's because I have a power or internet outage.   


Jim Mueller
(919) 907-3217

Monday, April 6, 2020

Please join Zoom meeting in progress

Join Zoom Meeting

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Jim Mueller
(919) 907-3217

Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's Lab

Hi folks,

I hope everyone has had a chance to do the lab for today.  The bottom of the lab write-up talks about graphing and Excel.  Don't worry about that.  

I do, however, want to see a graph.  Just do one graph. Please plot predators and prey on the same graph.  
Let the x axis be the trials and let the y axis be the # of population.  
If you need to, you can use two different numbering scales on the y axis.  For example, if you have a max of 200 prey animals but only a max of 10 predators, the predators are going to have a lousy graph, so you may want to use a different scale for both. So for example, your prey scale may go from 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 etc.  But your predator scale would go 1 -2 - 3 - 4 etc.

What I'm hoping you can see from the data is that the predator and prey graphs should follow each other's trends.  As one goes up, the other follows, up to a point.  Then as one falls the other also falls eventually.   The graphs are dependent on one another.

Hand this in through Canvas when you're done.

Let me know if you have questions. 


Jim Mueller
(919) 907-3217